Lekhraj Singh Training Institute has started both online and offline modes of examination. Enrolled students can apply for the examination from the ALC center after the completion of their course/module.
• Single Examination System: For courses with a course duration of less than six months.
• Module-wise examination system: For courses having an equal duration of more than six months duration. Details of Module Paper, Mark can be collected on your ALC.
• Your exam result will be declared within a week of the exam.
• The examination will be conducted throughout the year at Lekhraj Singh Training Institute from 10 to 15 of every month. In which the type of questions asked will be objective.
• You will get your admit card two days before the exam date. Your exam date and time will be decided as per your admission date.
• The online examination portal will be open for 5 days at the ALC center for the students to take the examination.
• If a student is deprived of the examination during this period, then he/she will be able to give his/her paper next month with a late fee of Rs.100.
• 50 questions will be asked in the exam, and each question will carry equal marks. There will be no negative marking of any kind.
• 90 minutes will be given to solve the question paper.
• Theory examinations will comprise 40 questions of 0.80Marks each. There is no negative marking.
• Practical Exam will carry a total of 60 Marks, 40 Marks for Lab Practice & 20 Marks for Viva.